Mantokuji Projects in 2018
Thanks to generous monetary donations, donations of goods and services, continuing payments of membership dues and fees, purchases at our fundraisers & church events, and volunteer work all help to cover Mantokuji’s general administrative and maintenance costs. They all help to fund and support Mantokuji’s projects, big and small, as well. We are pleased to share that we have developed and are executing our Strategic Plan to successfully guide projects into the future.
Bell Tower Repair and Restoration
We are about midway in our bell tower repair and restoration project. The project manager has obtained a structural engineer’s report and is now in the permitting process. The final cost is estimated at around $200,000. Some grant monies have been secured, but more funds need to be raised.
Shoreline / Cemetery Erosion
The problems associated with the ongoing shoreline erosion are numerous and multi-layered and will require a tremendous amount of money, resources, and attention to address. Under the guidance of a project manager, Mantokuji is currently in the early stages of researching and evaluating the situation and the affected land and structures. Erosion of the cemetery shoreline has it’s own unique set of concerns regarding the archiving, mapping, and relocation of gravesites.